Overview of Support Coordination

Support Coordination is a crucial service that empowers NDIS participants to navigate their support plans with confidence and efficiency. At OleSuke, we understand that every individual’s journey is unique, which is why our approach to Support Coordination is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each participant. 

What is Support Coordination?

Support Coordination is a service that helps NDIS participants implement and manage their support plans. It involves working closely with participants, their families, and support networks to identify the most suitable services and providers that align with their goals and preferences. Support Coordinators also assist in building skills and confidence to manage supports independently over time. 

How Support Coordination Benefits NDIS Participants?

Support Coordination can greatly benefit NDIS participants in several ways:

  1. Increased Choice and Control: By working closely with a Support Coordinator, participants can gain a better understanding of their NDIS plans and have more control over the services they receive.
  2. Improved Access to Services: Support Coordinators have a wealth of knowledge about local service providers and can help participants access the most suitable services for their needs. 
  3. Streamlined Processes: Support Coordinators can help simplify the often complex NDIS processes, making it easier for participants to navigate and understand their plans.
  4. Enhanced Goal Achievement: With the support of a Coordinator, participants can set and achieve their goals more effectively, leading to improved outcomes and quality of life. 

How OleSuke's Approach Stands Out?

At OleSuke, we pride ourselves on our personalised and participant-centred approach to Support Coordination. Our experienced team takes the time to understand each participant’s unique needs, goals, and preferences, ensuring that the support they receive is tailored to their individual circumstances. 

We also place a strong emphasis on building strong relationships with our participants, their families, and support networks. This collaborative approach ensures that participants are actively involved in decision-making processes, empowering them to take control of their support journey.

Additionally, OleSuke’s Support Coordinators are highly skilled and undergo regular training to stay up-to-date with the latest NDIS guidelines and best practices. This commitment to excellence enables us to provide the highest level of support to our participants, helping them achieve their goals and live life to the fullest. 

For more information, please contact us on:

02 9000 1190


Qualifications and Expertise

At OleSuke, Our team of Support Coordinators are highly qualified and experienced in providing exceptional support coordination services to NDIS participants. We take pride in our commitment to ongoing professional development and training, ensuring that our team remains at the forefront of the industry. 

Certifications and Training

Our Support Coordinators hold relevant qualifications in disability services and undergo regular training to stay abreast of the latest NDIS policies and practices. Many of team members also have specialised certifications in areas such as mental health support, complex are coordination, and cultural competency. 

Experience and Track Record

With years of combined experience in the disability support sector, our team has a proven track record of delivering positive outcomes for our participants. We have successfully supported individuals with a wide range of disabilities and complex support needs, helping them achieve their goals and live more independently. 

Commitment to Excellence

At OleSuke, we are committed to providing the highest level of support coordination services to our participants. Our team’s expertise, coupled with our dedication to ongoing training and development, ensures that we can offer a service that is a second to none.

Enhanced Goal Achievement

Setting and achieving goals is a fundamental aspect of the NDIS journey, and Support Coordination plays a crucial role in helping participants navigate this process. By working closely with a Support Coordinator, participants can set meaningful and achievable goals that are aligned with their NDIS plans, leading to improved outcomes and quality of life. 

Personalised Goal Setting

One of the key benefits Support Coordination is the ability to set personalised goals that reflect the individual needs and aspirations of each participant. Support Coordinators take the time to understand the participant’s strengths, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring that the goals set are realistic and attainable.

Tailored Support Plans

Once goals are set, Support Coordinators work with participants to develop tailored support plans that outline the steps needed to achieve those goals. These plans are flexible and can be adjusted as the participant’s needs and circumstances change, ensuring that progress is always being made towards their goals.

Access to Services and Supports

Support Coordinators have a wealth of knowledge about local service providers and community supports, making it easier for participants to access the services they need to achieve their goals. Whether it’s accessing therapy services, finding suitable accommodation, or enrolling in education or training programs, Support Coordinators can help participants navigate the system and connect with the right supports.

Monitoring and Review

Throughout the support journey, Support Coordinators work closely with participants to monitor progress towards their goals and make any necessary adjustments to their support plans. Regular reviews ensure that participants stay on track and that their goals remain relevant and achievable.

Improved Quality of Life

By setting and achieving meaningful goals, participants can experience a sense of accomplishment and empowerment, leading to improved self-esteem and overall well-being. Achieving goals can also lead to greater independence and community participation, enhancing the overall quality of life for NDIS participants.

To read more about Support Coordination, you can click here to read more on the NDIS website. 


Accessing OleSuke’s Support services is simple. You can contact us directly to discuss your needs and preferences or you can fill out a referral form. We’ll work closely with you to develop a personalised plan that meets your requirements and goals. Click here to fill out our referral form. 

Yes, at OleSuke, we believe in empowering our clients to choose support workers who best suit their needs and preferences. We’ll work closely with you to match you with compatible and qualified support workers.

At OleSuke, we prioritise personalised care, flexibility, and a client-centered approach. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality support services that enable individuals to live life on their terms.

All of OleSuke’s staff undergo thorough screening checks, including police checks, NDIS clearances, and Working with Children Checks, among others. Our team is also extensively trained in NDIS standards, child safety protocols, and operational procedures. Continuous training is provided to ensure that our staff remain up-to-date with the latest practices and standards. Additionally, we actively solicit and utilise feedback to drive ongoing improvements in our services.

You can contact us by phone at 02 7813 5900 or by email at info@olesuke.com. Our friendly team is here to assist you with any inquiries you may have and to discuss how we can support you under the NDIS.

We are an Approved VOOHC/SSRC registered provider.

NDIS Organisation ID: 405 013 634

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