We understand the importance of maintaining accurate records and documentation, especially in cases involving supervised visitations between children and non-custodial parents or guardians. Our Contact Visit Report service is designed to provide comprehensive and detailed reports of these visitations, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the well-being of all parties involved.

A Contact Visit Report is a detailed account of supervised visitations between children and non-custodial parents or guardians. These reports document the interactions, observations, and activities that occur during the visitation sessions, providing valuable insight into the quality of the parent-child relationship, the child’s emotional well-being, and any concerns or issues that may arise during the visit.

Comprehensive Documentation

Our team is committed to capturing every detail of the visitation sessions to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between the child and the non-custodial parent or guardian. We meticulously record not only the duration of the visit but also the specific activities engaged in during the session. Additionally, our professionals keenly observe and document the quality of the interactions, including the tone of voice, body language, and any expressions of affection or concern. By documenting these aspects, we aim to paint a detailed picture of the visitation experience, allowing for a thorough assessment of the parent-child relationship and the child’s well-being.

Objective Reporting

Maintaining objectivity and neutrality is paramount in our reporting process. We adhere to strict ethical standards to ensure that the information presented in the Contact Visit Reports is factual, unbiased, and devoid of personal interpretation or judgment. Our professionals rely on concrete observations and documented evidence to construct each report, refraining from making assumptions or drawing conclusions beyond the scope of the observed interactions. By upholding the principles of objectivity and neutrality, we aim to provide reliable and credible reports that can withstand scrutiny in legal proceedings and custody evaluations.

Timely Delivery

Recognising the critical role that Contact Visit Reports play in legal proceedings and custody evaluations, we prioritise timely delivery to ensure that our reports are available when needed. Our team works diligently and efficiently to compile and review the documentation from each visitation session, striving to deliver Contact Visit Reports promptly following the conclusion of the visit. By adhering to strict timelines and deadlines, we enable our clients to access timely and relevant information to inform their decision-making processes and legal strategies. Additionally, our commitment to timely delivery underscores our dedication to providing responsive and reliable services that prioritize the interests of the children and families involved.


Accessing OleSuke’s Support services is simple. You can contact us directly to discuss your needs and preferences or you can fill out a referral form. We’ll work closely with you to develop a personalised plan that meets your requirements and goals. Click here to fill out our referral form. 

Yes, at OleSuke, we believe in empowering our clients to choose support workers who best suit their needs and preferences. We’ll work closely with you to match you with compatible and qualified support workers.

At OleSuke, we prioritise personalised care, flexibility, and a client-centered approach. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality support services that enable individuals to live life on their terms.

All of OleSuke’s staff undergo thorough screening checks, including police checks, NDIS clearances, and Working with Children Checks, among others. Our team is also extensively trained in NDIS standards, child safety protocols, and operational procedures. Continuous training is provided to ensure that our staff remain up-to-date with the latest practices and standards. Additionally, we actively solicit and utilise feedback to drive ongoing improvements in our services.

You can contact us by phone at 02 7813 5900 or by email at info@olesuke.com. Our friendly team is here to assist you with any inquiries you may have and to discuss how we can support you under the NDIS.

We are an Approved VOOHC/SSRC registered provider.

NDIS Organisation ID: 405 013 634

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